The Power of Music 


During lockdown, we forged a partnership with UK Music, the umbrella body for the British music industry, to consider how music could help improve the nation’s health, wellbeing and communities. More than 200 organisations and individuals contributed to the ground-breaking Power of Music report launched at the offices of Universal Music UK in April 2022. 

The report offers a blueprint for embedding music across policy areas and improving treatment for conditions like dementia and depression, as well as supporting staff, creating financial savings and improving health and care outcomes.

Many reports are written and lie in a drawer but we agreed with UK Music that the Power of Music report should not be one of them. A small steering group formed to take forward the recommendations and grow the Consortium. The steering group currently includes: 

  • UK Music (Chair)
  • The National Academy of Social Prescribing (Secretariat)
  • The Utley Foundation/ Music for Dementia
  • Manchester Camerata
  • Nordoff & Robbins

 You can read a progress report from November 2024 including: 

  • The Power of Music Fund (convened by NASP) has doubled the Utley Foundation’s investment in music and dementia projects and established a Centre of Excellence in Manchester.
  • The Centre of Excellence is working with the NHS to gather evidence of cost savings to the NHS and build the business case for future investment.
  • A national learning networking is being formed around the Centre of Excellence.
  • Universal Music UK built and launched the Music Can online advice platform;
  • The growing Consortium is building its government influencing strategy around the recommendations.

 You can sign up to the Consortium and lend your support to the Power of Music recommendations below